Saturday, December 5, 2009


Karyn Purvis - Director of TCU's Institute of Child Development

Dr. Karyn Purvis is the Director of the Institute of Child Development at Texas Christian University (TCU) in Fort Worth, Texas. During the past decade, she and her colleagues at the Institute have invested their efforts towards developing research-based interventions for at-risk children. Throughout her life, Karyn’s personal and professional calling has been to create a welcoming, loving environment for children who come from "hard places". Foster and adoption issues have always been at the heart of her work, and when her own children were small, she served as foster mother to many children. She serves as expert witness in court cases of child abuse, testifies for state and national legislation, and speaks frequently to national and international groups. Recent trips have taken her to varied groups from trainings for judges and CPS workers, to working in orphanages in Romania.

Dr. Purvis received her undergraduate degree in TCU and continued on to receive her masters and doctorate in Developmental Psychology from TCU as well. During her time at TCU Dr. Purvis developed and directed (1999 – present) the Hope Connection, a research and intervention summer day camp for adopted children. She continued her work with this population as the director of the Adoption Project from 2003 -2006. Work from these projects has been featured in NBC Dateline, Fort Worth Weekly, Newsweek, Parents Magazine, and other popular parent magazines. She and her colleague, Dr. David Cross write for scientific journals, parents magazines, and have co-authored a feature book for McGraw-Hill titled, The Connected Child: Bring Hope and Healing to your Adoptive Family which was released Spring 2007. Within six months of publication, The Connected Child has earned rank as a best-seller in adoption books. Drs. Cross and Purvis were recently awarded the Healthcare Heroes Award by the Dallas Business Journal, and in January 2008, Karyn was awarded the T. Berry Brazelton Award, a state-wide award for child advocacy.

Learn more about Dr. Karyn Purvis and the Institute of Child Development at TCU.

Newsweek, December 2007 Newsweek Adoption story - Karyn Purvis work cited on page three.

NBC Dateline, June 14, 2006 "Saving Dane, Saving a Family".

Fort Worth Weekly "Healing Humpty Dumpty".

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